News and Events

InterpreTango: Tango musicality online course with Dario Moffa

InterpreTango: Tango musicality online course with Dario Moffa

All about REPETITIONS in tango!
How to dance them?
4 online lessons every Wednesday from 5 February on Zoom
Wednesday: 5,12,19,26 February

Are you curious?
Timetable: 7,15 p.m. - 8,30 p.m. (Italian time)
Enrolment required
Write an email to:
click the light blue button below

Classes are live on Zoom
It is NOT necessary to be in pairs to participate in the classes: single registrations are very welcome.
Classes are both for leaders and followers. All lessons will be in English.

Teacher: Dario Moffa
NB: all participants will have a recording of the lesson! So you can watch the lesson as many times as you like! or download it and watch it again without an Internet connection.

Cost per person:
35 euros  1 month (4 lessons)
95 euros 3 months (12 lessons)
150 euros 5 months (20 lessons)

Costs for 2 people connected with the same device:
50 euros
per month (4 lessons)
130 euros
for 3 months (12 lessons)
210 euros
for 5 months (20 lessons)

How to pay: 2 possibilities

A) best solution: Bank transfer to Dario Moffa: IBAN IT70S0305801604100571301961  -  BIC/SWIFT: MICSITM1XXX
Send an email confirming payment to: and indicate, in addition to Name and Surname and address of residence, data necessary for the issuance of the invoice.
B) if you have PayPal you can pay by clicking this link:
Send an email confirming payment to: and indicate, in addition to Name and Surname and address of residence, data necessary for the issuance of the invoice.

Payments must be received no later than the day before the start of the lessons.

In addition to group lessons, would you like to take online private lessons to go deeper?
Zoom private lessons are highly customisable to your needs!
1 private lesson with Zoom of one hour = 40 euros

Have you ever had an irresistible desire to move your body or part of your body when you are listening to a tango, a vals or a milonga?
Have you ever had images appear in your mind? Have you ever been touched by emotions, by dreams?
Have you?
Well, also for you, tango dancer, the music has value ... is not a neglectable background but moves something important inside you.
Being faithful to the orchestra and being faithful to ourselves is really a key point for me: whether I am leader or follower.
That's why I created the musicality course called InterpreTango, a fusion of Interpretation and Tango: a method to bring out the tango in all of us.

The aim of InterpreTango course is to be more faithful on the one hand to the orchestration, i.e. the musical part of the piece, and on the other hand more faithful to ourselves, so that we can express our personality when we dance.
Fortunately, we are all different, so it is unthinkable that there are clones who all dance the same tango, isn't it?
Each of us can feel certain characteristics of the tango, the vals or the milonga we are dancing and someone else, instead, feels others..... and there is no contradiction in this, on the contrary: it is the wonder of being human!
Being faithful to the orchestra and being faithful to ourselves: whether I am a leader or a follower.
What do we do concretely?
It is not a theoretical course where we 'study' musicality but we enter into the music to bring it into the body and translate it into movement. We use both listening and physical practices that I have created thanks both to my 20 years' experience as a professional tango teacher and to my artistic paths parallel to tango, such as theatre/dance and contemporary dance, which are rich sources of inspiration.
Refining our musical listening and putting our personality into dancing tango are important, ambitious and highly satisfying goals.
In order to dance the tango, it is not enough to learn techniques, which are fundamental for dialogue... just as when we speak, it is not enough to learn grammar: we must choose what to say and when to say it... and above all, we must say it in our own way and not in a neutral, depersonalised way.

Do you have any doubts or questions?
Call Dario on 3476959746 or send him a message on Whatsapp or Telegram. Or write him an email at:

Here you have all the useful links to reach Dario Moffa on the different social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, Linkedin) or to read his Blog.
Just click this link:

Often I like to improvise freely and alone tango, vals and milonga. A useful practice to be able to dance better, as a couple. The idea, didactically speaking, is to dance letting yourself be led by the music without patterns, in order to experiment and enjoy improvisation.
Here below you find some example.

Soy un Arlequin:

Adios arrabal:



Lo que vieron:


El Torito:

Milonga de los Fortines:

InterpreTango: improvising Milonga vieja milonga by D'Arienzo

Freely improvised Pregonera, alone.

Book or request more info

